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Let The Darkness In  
A Pair of Shoes

The Garden of Earthly Delights
Day 21

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Six short plays on how COVID-19 transformed our lives, our health, and our history.

We had warnings that a global outbreak might happen. Yet the COVID-19 pandemic burst in upon us -- sickening our families and friends and fellow citizens and stealing their lives. The catastrophe fomented anxiety and suspicion -- and demolished our tranquility.  


Those of us who work in theatre felt the smashed hopes and stolen community deeply. Yet pandemic also demanded a response.


These six monologues, filmed at various moments across 2020, are my reflections on how COVID-19 rippled through our lives. I wanted to survey our grief, and examine the exigent compromises required of us. I also wanted to lay bare how the willful and sustained mismanagement of this pandemic was an attack on our society -- and how this assault on citizens bred mistrust in science and fatally undermined the civic responsibility that might have spared us much of the anguish.


I was fortunate to have partners in this work. Four of these monologues were produced by Laura Schlachtmeyer and directed by Andrew Bellware. Day 21 was the first to be written and filmed as part of Mind the Gap Theatre's Housebound series. The Garden of Earthly Delights is the final play, which also appeared in MTG;s Housebound. My gratitude to MTG's artistic director, Paula D'Alessandris, is immense.


Featured in the Vancouver and Prague Fringe Festivals.


 "[A] series of short monologues for YouTube that have captured a world wide following." -- DC Theatre Scene 


Read the interview with Richard Byrne about Plays Pandemical at DC Theatre Scene.


Read an essay on the making of Plays Pandemical.

Let The Darkness In


A public health official's last message to her team explores the collision of science and politics in a time of pandemic.


Featuring Christa Kimlicko Jones. Directed by Andrew Bellware.


Prague Fringe Festival 2021

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A Pair of Shoes


Ancient Romans accepted endless wars, a debased currency, and mass execution of rulers' political opponents. Sound familiar? What can Edward Gibbon teach us about our moment?


Featuring Maduka Steady. Directed by Andrew Bellware.


Vancouver Fringe Festival 2021



Bonnie never wanted to be in public health. But she was good at making cuts.  How a normal bureaucrat found herself at the center of Florida's COVID-19 catastrophe.


Featuring Rebecca Kush. Directed by Andrew Bellware.​



An actor's Zoom interview for an infomercial explores the relationship between commercials and art. Kool-Aid. Shakespeare. Cures for baldness. 


Featuring Tony Travostino. Directed by Andrew Bellware.  

The Garden of Earthly Delights
What will our post-COVID-19 world look like? What freedoms will it bring?

Produced by Paula D'Alessandris and Mind The Gap Theatre. Featuring Henrietta Weekes.


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Day 21


The frenzy of pandemic is unleashed.  How does illness lay bare the fragility of our lives? 


Produced by Paula D'Alessandris and Mind The Gap Theatre. Featuring Cathy Conneff.


"Actor Cathy Conneff turns in a stunning performance .." -- DC Theatre Scene

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